Wednesday, November 11, 2015


As of Monday, the rest of the paperwork has been submitted to the insurance company.  Now we just play the waiting game.  Hopefully they don't take too long and I'll have a date soon.  I have IBS so it's really been playing hell with my system because of all the stress and worrying.  Yesterday and today it's only been broth and jello for me because I feel so crappy.  Hopefully once I get a date I can relax.  Our office Christmas party is on December 12th and I won't be able to eat anything because I'll be on the 2 week liquid diet. That's really going to suck because I enjoy our holiday party.  Then the next week my husband's family is getting together for their annual Christmas party.  I'll either close to surgery or already have had it (hopefully). This stress has to stop though.  At least I'll be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner!

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