Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bariatric Gastric Sleeve

My journey started in May, 2015.  I'll admit I thought things would be different that what they have been.  Not that it's been bad.  I've had more doctors appointments in the last 6 months than I've had in my life.  I've learned how to eat healthier and I've learned to what limits I can push myself mentally.  Because of some family problems, my journey got off to a rocky start.  And I've shed more than a few tears.  At first I was going to have the gastric bypass done but in talking to my surgeon, who by the way studied at the Cleveland Clinic, we decided to go with the gastric sleeve.  Less invasive, less recuperating, and since I'm not diabetic it would be the best surgery for me.  

I am currently 257 lbs. with my highest weight at 262.  After my kids were born I'd always struggled with my weight but I'd usually kept it about 230 and didn't go over.  Unhappy marriage, depression, and life really took it's toll on my weight.  I'm not blaming anyone but myself because I chose to put the food in my mouth.  I'm not a binge eater, I just like food.  In 2012 I injured one of my knees then in 2013 the other knee went too.  Because of the knee pain I couldn't do the things I used to do so I've gained 30 more pounds.  It's beginning to take a toll on my health and joints.  Grocery shopping is the worst.  I dread going into the store because I know I'm going to come out in pain and I refuse to use one of those motorized scooters because (and I have to admit I'm one of these people) people stare at overweight people who use those.  I refused to be stared at.  

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (I actually had to tell the doctor that I think I have high blood pressure because every time I went in for a visit my blood pressure was high).   Finally she put me on blood pressure medicine and I've been doing a lot better.  So I have arthritis in both knees and my hips are bad.  I have bone spurs.  I have insomnia and snore.  And two of my lower vertebrae are sliding against each other.  That's pretty much the extent of my health problems.  

On the positive side, I'm in relatively good health.  I had my pre-op appointment with my surgeon November 6th and they are submitting the paperwork to the insurance company.  Hopefully they approve the surgery soon.  I have to have blood work done a month before surgery then 2 weeks before surgery I have to go on a liquid diet.  That's going to be a tough one.  We are in holiday season so I love Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  But losing weight is much more important to me.  

That's all for this morning.  I'll let you know when the surgery is approved and I have my date (hopefully before December 14 because my daughter is going to Florida for 4 months for work and I need to have her by my side).  

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